Learn Korean
Basic of Korean for K-pop lovers
Week 1
D5. Syllable blocks

Day 5: Hangul Mastery

Syllable Blocks

안녕하세요! It's Day 5, and we're back to mastering Hangul! Today, we focus on syllable blocks. In Korean, the smallest unit of writing is a syllable block, which can be made up of consonants and vowels. This is different from English, where we often construct words letter by letter.

For example:

  • 방탄 (Bangtan) is made up of two syllable blocks: "방" (bang) and "탄" (tan).
    • 방 = ㅂ (b) + ㅏ (a) + ㅇ (ng)
    • 탄 = ㅌ (t) + ㅏ (a) + ㄴ (n)

K-pop Tip: Knowing how to break down syllable blocks can make learning idol names and song titles a breeze!

Creating Syllable Blocks

Creating a syllable block is like playing a game of Tetris! You start with an initial consonant, add a vowel, and may end with a final consonant. It usually follows this pattern:

  • Initial Consonant + Vowel + (Final Consonant)

For example:

  • 노래 (Song):
    • 노 = ㄴ (n) + ㅗ (o)
    • 래 = ㄹ (r/l) + ㅐ (ae)

K-pop Tip: The title of the famous BTS song "봄날 (Spring Day) " can be broken down into syllable blocks: "봄" (bom) and "날" (nal).

Simple Words

Let's look at some simple words that are often heard in the world of K-pop.

  • 팬 (Fan): ㅍ (p) + ㅐ (ae) + ㄴ (n)
  • 무대 (Stage): 무 = ㅁ (m) + ㅜ (u), 대 = ㄷ (d) + ㅐ (ae)
  • 앨범 (Album): 앨 = ㅇ (null) + ㅐ (ae) + ㄹ (l), 범 = ㅂ (b) + ㅡ (eu) + ㅁ (m)

K-pop Tip: Next time you see a tweet about your favorite group's "무대," you'll know they're talking about their performance stage!

Quick Practice

Try to break down these K-pop related words into their syllable blocks and individual letters:

  • 리더 (Leader):
    • 리 = ㄹ (r/l) + ㅣ (i)
    • 더 = ㄷ (d) + ㅓ (eo)

  • 콘서트 (Concert):
    • 콘 = ㅋ (k) + ㅗ (o) + ㄴ (n)
    • 서 = ㅅ (s) + ㅓ (eo)
    • 트 = ㅌ (t) + ㅡ (eu)

Great! You're now more equipped to break down and understand the language that connects you to your favorite K-pop idols.

Flip Cards

방 = ㅂ + ㅏ + ㅇ, 탄 = ㅌ + ㅏ + ㄴ
노 = ㄴ + ㅗ, 래 = ㄹ + ㅐ
ㅍ + ㅐ + ㄴ
무 = ㅁ + ㅜ, 대 = ㄷ + ㅐ
앨 = ㅇ (null) + ㅐ + ㄹ, 범 = ㅂ + ㅡ + ㅁ


What is the smallest unit of writing in Korean?

Syllable Block

What is the syllable block for 'bang' in 'Bangtan'?

How is "노래" broken down?

노 = ㄴ + ㅗ, 래 = ㄹ + ㅐ
노 = ㄴ + ㅐ, 래 = ㄹ + ㅗ
노 = ㄴ + ㅣ, 래 = ㄹ + ㅐ

A syllable block in Korean usually follows the pattern: Initial Consonant + Vowel + (Final Consonant)


The Korean word for album is "앨범" and is broken down as: 앨 = ㅇ + ㅐ + ㄹ, 범 = ㅂ + ㅡ + ㅁ


That wraps up today's lesson. Tomorrow, we're delving into the world of Korean grammar that will help you make more complex sentences. Until then, keep practicing, and 화이팅!
